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Beach. Music. Ocean. Bugs. Love. Hawaii. I call NZ home. Sun. Sun. Summer.

Friday, October 1, 2010

The good karma

I am having a spell of amazing karma.
I think this is how it came about...
The other day, this little Indian man was passing out little books about yoga to passers by. I, of course, made the mistake of making eye contact then getting hustled (it just took me about 5 minutes to spell hustle as I was trying to spell it hussel) into accepting the book and making a donation. He sweet talked me a little and told me I was pretty and was about to get some really good karma. I think he may have been right (about the karma I mean).. The book ended up being pretty cool, some amazing illustrations and a lot of Indian names I couldn't pronounce.

Good karma number one:
Last week I approach one of my lecturers to see if he knew of anyone I could get in touch with about possible research internships in the marine department. I now have a two month internship (October and November only because he believes December should be spent at the beach and having fun) with him, or Paul as he is called, in his research laboratory on campus. It is a really interesting project and he will be a great supervisor. The link below is about the toxin that we are extracting from reef fish, which is primarily what his research is based on.

Good karma number two:
Paul informed me the other day that this internship will in fact be paid. Total bonus! But I'm guessing it will be around 6 bucks an hour.. But hey, thats an extra 48 dollars that I didn't have before so I'm not complaining. Now I can afford to eat for the next two months. Life in Hawai'i is very pricey.

Good karma number three:
Paul also works with this woman Barbara in a more science communication area. She was looking for an undergraduate student to work part time. After a recommendation by Paul, an interview with Barbara, and then an interview with Barbara's boss, I managed to score that job! I will be working on this project which Barbara says will start off pretty tedious but will lead to greater things. I will be entering data and carrying out  research for an online aquaculture network. Everything I do will be available on the website immediately. It is also an iPhone application so I will be updating that too. Pretty cool huh! Barbara is crazy, she is a music professor with crazy frizzy hair and these awesome reading glasses that click together on the nose part. Reminds me of Professor Trelawny...
But she said that the job will have its perks and some days I will do boring stuff, the next I may be out helping film things for them, and she'd also like to use me in front of the camera or as a voice over for online lectures and things. Sounds like a great experience for me!

Lets hope the good karma keeps on coming!

I had dinner with Marion the other night.
She gets cooler every time I see her.
We attempted to make chicken enchiladas and were sort of successful. Didn't look so good but tasted amazing! Her son Kaniela gets home in a week or two so I am excited to meet him (he's the one who just finished uni at Otago). I chatted (chatted is my new funny word because when Tove from Sweden says it she say "shatted" cause they pronounce their ch as sh hahahah gets me everytime. Though she thinks I am hassling (hassling also took me 12 tries to spell it right) her I am actually laughing lovingly at her cuteness) to him on the phone last time I was with Marion and he and I already found out we know a few of the same people. He even knows some Kerikeri kids! CRAZY! So that will be fun.

I am trying to be really good so this karma thing sticks around..here's to hoping!

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