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Beach. Music. Ocean. Bugs. Love. Hawaii. I call NZ home. Sun. Sun. Summer.

Monday, October 4, 2010

A dive and a half

In the weekend I had an awesomely adventurous scuba diving morning.

We woke up at 6am.
Jumped on our bikes - this is my bike which was $30 from the Uni bike sale. It has handle bars a little too low, breaks that hardly work and make a lot of noise, and a seat that hurts my bum. All in all a great buy!

We rode down to Waikiki to be picked up and taken to the dive boat near Hawaii Kai. I went with these guys Matt and Keith from school..

This is the boys, and the three of us under water. I breathed at the wrong time so I'm the one with bubbles..

The water was super rough and the waves were big. I felt seasick by the time we arrived at the first dive spot - a shipwreck called LST. However, as soon as I was under the surface and descending to 95 feet - the deepest I've ever been - the sickness disappeared.

The wreck was incredible...

There were bits broken off everywhere, holes in the walls, and a chandelier hanging the right way from an upside down sunken ship? I asked how this was possible when we got out and the guide said his mate had put it in there as a joke cause he thought it was a waste having it lie around in his garage... Typical. But the rest of the wreck was authentic and had some amazing wildlife colonizing too! Matt has an underwater housing for his little camera so I got to take some pics. It is much harder then on land especially cause we had a strong current. But it was great! This dive lasted only 20 minutes cause it was so deep but it was really amazing. The second dive was at a sit called fantasy reef which was amazing and flourishing with life. Apparently it is a hundred times better at night so when I get some money I am going back at night. All in all it was by far the best diving I have done so far. Here are some of the pics..

An eel

Some cool corals

Lonely fish although there were plenty!

Sea urchins

A trumpet fish

Not sure what this is but it was very cool looking fish and followed me for a while....(possible xmas pressie for me could be a Hawaiian marine life book?? Cheers)

More cool urchins kinda like Kina but 5 times the size

More fish, or fush as I apparently say..

And of course, the highlight of the day were the sharks! In the wreck there were two white pointer reef sharks having a nap. We disturbed their slumber sadly but it was cool for us cause they started to swim around. They were both about 6-7 feet and so beautiful! Such peaceful creatures. There was a baby somewhere too but I never saw it.. Matt took a cool video of them too but I don't have it so here is the link to it on his facebook. http://www.facebook.com/video/video.php?v=439081495697&ref=mf If you're not able to watch then its on my facebook too..

So that was my cool diving experience! 
Another successful weekend spent feeling like I am on holiday in heaven, now it is time to get back to reality in heaven. Hard life. 

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