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Beach. Music. Ocean. Bugs. Love. Hawaii. I call NZ home. Sun. Sun. Summer.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


The longer I am here on this Island, the more of it I see and the more I love it.
Yesterday, Saturday, I went to a place called 'Secrets beach'. Thats not its real name, just a nick. But I can't remember what it is actually called. 
Friday nights here are when everyone drinks and hangs out so naturally I woke up feeling surprised. The sound of a text flicked my brain into action with me soon realizing I was home in my in last nights clothes, makeup still on and smudged all over my face, and hair clips in place but not doing their job. I laughed to myself, followed by a cringe as my head reminded me of the amount I consumed the night before, and then cursed as I realized the text was my ride to the North Shore saying they were waiting downstairs. Julia, a really cool local chick that Tove works with at the funky coffee shop on campus, was taking us out for the day with some of her friends and their dog. She's great, and so were her two girlfriends. We all got along really well and they brought a dog with them which made the day even cooler. So I scramble together some beach items - lilo, camera, sunblock and sunnies - and throw on a bikini under last nights clothes. Needless to say I looked fab, complete with smudgy makeup. 
The trip to the north shore was short, taking about 45 minutes unlike 'The Bus' which takes us a good 2 hours! We pull over at a random patch of grass on the side of the road (which was kind of near Waimea Bay) and they start to get out. I was wondering where the beach was as there was pretty much only tree's on either side when I saw a small path. Along this path was the most beautiful tree's leading to a secluded, pristine beach with white sands, calm waters, little wind and only 4 other people. It was such an amazing day, the best way to cure a hangover! This place was magical, even the walk through to the beach was amazing...

These trees are everywhere here. They are huge and very beautiful. 

The beach itself was overwhelming at first. It's hard to believe an island with so many people, and so many tourists can still keep secrets like this. The fact that there was almost nobody there was the best. Although, the man who was our closest neighbor about 30m away was hanging out nude so that was a little odd. Creeper too.

The beach to our left

Taking in the surroundings with a nice cold beer. 

Pretending I was the all mighty sea god

The ladies, and Koa the dog

Pretty much what we did all day..

"I am Lucy, ruler of all"

Beautiful Tove

The beach to our right..

Koa the dog :)

So as you can see, I was literally in heaven. 
Today is Sunday and I am supposed to study. The sun is shining and I do NOT want to sit inside. So Marissa and I, and a few other girls from our building, are going on a very cheap maitai boat cruise at Waikiki for the after noon to pretend we are on vacation. I think I will be Lucy from Egypt today and see what sort of conversation that stirs up... 
Peace love and beaches to you all.

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