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Beach. Music. Ocean. Bugs. Love. Hawaii. I call NZ home. Sun. Sun. Summer.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A few parties and a camping journey

Things have been crazy hectic.
My time has been spent in the following order:
-fluffing and procrastinating
-being hungover
-beaching and/or relaxing
-sleeping (minimal)

Looking over that list it doesn't seem very hectic, but the fact sleep is last says it all. Its uncommon for me to sleep more then 6 hours a night here...But hey, I'm in Hawaii so who needs to sleep!

Here is some of the things I have been doing..
parties in our room..

night time adventures

All the international ladies on a night out.

camping with military people..yikes!

watching amazing sunsets on remote beaches..
So as you can see, its all pretty hard. 
But seriously, things with school are crazy busy!
And I just scored myself an internship with the most awesome lecturer here. 
Its in his lab doing research on some fish and toxins etc etc.. VERY INTERESTING and possibly the BEST opportunity I could have got as he will be like a mentor. And he is trying to set me up with another part time job in science communication, creating a visual lecture with him and this other woman. 
Amazing the things that come to you when you ask.
This is going to be a great year!

This is my favorite video...Watch it. We here in the land where the heat makes you crazy sing it all day long..

I will leave it with that for now.

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