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Beach. Music. Ocean. Bugs. Love. Hawaii. I call NZ home. Sun. Sun. Summer.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Beginning

After a ten hour plane ride with a sore foot I was so happy to arrive in the hot and beautiful Honolulu :) I walked through the gates to find Marion, my host ‘mom’, standing with a sign. It was by far the best sign at the arrivals gate! She was very surprised to see me on crutches but I chucked it on the trolley deciding then and there it was no longer needed because I was now in Hawai’i!
Marion is exceptional. A truly amazing woman, I am so lucky to have landed in her life!
Her Husband is great too, a cool jazz musician, and her sons sound rad. 
I stayed in paradise for my first week...
And dove the north shore from one of the sweetest spots out...

It was amazing.
I was in heaven. 
Life couldn't have been better.

Then I had to start uni, or school as they call it here, and move into the dorms.. 
After a fun and action packed first week I was feeling great! 
Then the homesickness kicked in. 
I had a really really rough week.
Waking up to this unfamiliar bed in an almost dungeon-like room was sort of frightening and my emotions decided it was time for them to party..
I never cried myself to sleep but I cried myself into the day a lot.
Shit was hard for a while.

But like everyone said, it goes away as fast as it comes on. I was back to Luce van Goose in no time!
After this hard week I was vary clichéd up and "stronger because of it". 
Now my real journeys could begin....

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