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Beach. Music. Ocean. Bugs. Love. Hawaii. I call NZ home. Sun. Sun. Summer.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Trip home then back to my new home in my new home

The last few months have been pretty hectic, but great!
December came faster then I ever expected, bringing excitement, anxiety, waves, family, hello's, and goodbye's. Almost like the feeling of homesickness, I had little control over which way my emotions would fly when my eyes snapped open in the morning. 
My trip home for xmas was getting closer and closer. This was super exciting, though it also came with the sadness that I would be leaving some of the people I had become to close to. This is where the anxiety came from as I am terrible at saying goodbye. My last two weeks were mostly spent cramming for exams and hanging with Keir, who had ventured over for pipe. It was so much fun having him here, and of course the family loved him. Sadly, this visit also meant that my last few days in Hawai'i were not spent adoring the people I was leaving. This was good for me as it distracted me from the looming farewell, but left people feeling unloved - Tove, Marissa, Jerry, and Andi, I am so sorry! You know I love ya :)
Finally it became time to fly, and their was a very tearful goodbye (not from my end as I am heartless).

But the warm welcome on the other end was more then I could have imagined! Fran and the kids were there (totally for me and not Keir haha), and Alisa, Jose and Claire. Claire, my substitute 'boyfriend' for the past how many years had a very cute sign with her and I immediately burst into tears. Who would have thought!

Love you Patrick star!

Home was wonderful, but too short. It was the best 2 and a half weeks of NZ summer I have had. Sadly I didn't make it to Coromandle to visit Joan, or to Golden Bay to visit Em. But alas, it was fab. My ladies gave me the best send off with the cutest fish and chips dinner picnic on a cliff in Devo with views of the beach and Rangitoto.

And of course, the Te Ngaere Bay trips were amazing and it was lovely to see my fav kids again :) They're getting way too cute!

yes Fran you are clearly one of my fav kids too!

Now I am back on this lovely little island. It really is amazing :)
I spent 2 weeks staying with my Hanai family. This was awesome, of course. It feels so much like a second there. I got to know Art, the dad, a little better too as we had coffee and breakfast together most mornings. He is a really intelligent and amazing man. Partied a bit (of course) with my bro Kaniela, and chilled with Marion though she is so busy so wasn't home much. Erin arrived a week after I did and also came to stay with the Lymans. I had been house hunting like crazy with no luck, then one day I found the perfect place. Everyone keeps asking me for photos, and I do have a few for you. Unfortunately I have been extremely busy with school and work and have not yet finished decorating my side of our room. But we have a HUGE bedroom between the two of us. It has enough room for 2 double beds, a three seater couch, a desk, and still a lot of floor space. We have our own bathroom, a lovely kitchen and a cosy lounge...
Kitchen and dining table

Our room, mostly Erin's side

My bed and corner, litttttle messy (as usual)

Our (free) couch and Erin's bed.. hadn't quite found places for the boards yet..

My study space

My closet corner

The room. Our carpet looks dark here but it's actually nice and light cream coloured. Lets hope it stays that way!

So that is most of the place.. We also have a really nice yard with some outdoor furniture. It is a beautiful place in a really nice, quiet neighbbourhood. 
There is a short-cut to Uni which makes it a 3-5 minute walk and a really speedy bike ride. We have a little area of shops which is a few mins walk down the road complete with cafe, coffee shops, supermarket and chemist. 

Our place on the left. Yard with Plumeria tree, avocado tree and seats in the shade :)

Also, just a five minute bike ride further into the valley are a few awesome hikes to the waterfalls. At the moment it is all lush and green from the rain they had over xmas so it is looking amazing! All in all an amazing place to live.
Hiking up (in jandles..)

the first swimming hole

more hiking

the second swimming hole

Emily, me and Erin. :)
Another hike just a bit down the road

We live in Manoa valley, and this is Manoa Falls

Sign said "do not swim" so we swim....

It kinda hurt when you stood under it

Muddy trails

I have been looking into staying until the end of the year to work and get more experience. My boss (the lab job I have) said he would love to keep me on, and I even got myself an internship form May until December at the university research island - Coconut Island - working with sharks. However, there is apparently no legal way for me to do this extension so I will be coming home in July. Tear! It sucks after finding such a home, but it will be good to get back and finish my degree. I think....
It is my 21st birthday (my real one) on Wednesday! I was not really looking forward to it as I was sad to have none of my family and friends from home here, but it looks like it will be a great day. Erin and I bought a very cheap car in the weekend (it runs really well and all, just looks a bit shit) so I we are going to take the day off and head north to beach it. Then Marion has organised a nice dinner at their place so I will have my birthday evening with my Hawaiian family. I am very excited now :) They are too good to me! The end :)


  1. Wow! That was an amazing post! Thanks for the thorough update man! Yeah yeah cool.

    I miss that life so much it hurts my heart. I miss you and the other peeps left. How's the bike?

    So much love I would pour it over you like the fall of manoa

  2. well...this is going to seem weird but i was looking online for pics of te ngaere and youre pic was in the images i was like that girl looks like someone i know. so i clicked through and was like himmmi dont know her but she probably knows one of my brothers and i knew fran at school so i assume you looked familiar cos youre related anyway thats how i ended up here random
