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Beach. Music. Ocean. Bugs. Love. Hawaii. I call NZ home. Sun. Sun. Summer.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Yet another amazing opportunity

So, it seems the longer I live here the more amazing things are coming my way. I'm getting slightly worried. Surely all this good luck, or karma, or whatever it is, is going to run out and I will plummet into a pit of horribleness. But things are so great I think I will worry about that when it comes.

So I will get to my exciting news through the wonders story telling, but first a recap of a very cool weekend just because I want to live it again in my mind... And then again on the screen...

Friday night we were feeling in the mood for a nice chill evening. A group of ladies, and our friend Jerry, decided we would go and watch Eclipse and drool over the beautiful men of the Twilight Saga. It was playing on campus on a big projector. It is really nice to attend a uni that feels like a community, rather then just a learning facility. But this was great, then we went home and chilled out. Much needed down time.

The rest of the weekend was not so successful and we ended up partying pretty hard on Saturday, with Erin and I winning a few pool games on the way! Sunday was a great day. It started early after only 2 hours sleep with a nice stoll in the sunshine to my Hanai Moms house for brunch. I got to meet a few more family members and eat an amazing meal! It didn't matter so much that I was so hungover cause Kaniela was too, so we suffered together. I also got to chat with the owner of the Kaisei, the boat I want to go on next summer. She was really nice and when I mentioned I was interested seemed pleased. They have about a thousand people wanting to go on this boat each year, so that is a great connection to have if I plan on going ahead with that journey.
After that, we had Marissa's game of football to watch, meaning I missed out on a lift with Kaniela to Lanikai beach to hang for the day with him and his friends. The game was awesome though, Marissa is a tough little chick! I also convinced Andi and Erin, two of my good girlfriends, to make the trip to Lanikai happen somehow... So we started brainstorming and came up with four options for transport.

1) we could hijack a car
2) we could borrow 2 vespa's and risk getting tickets on the freeway slash die
3) we could bus, not gonna happen as it takes frickin forever
4) we could hitch hike

We chose 4, and it was very successful - Nikki, don't flip out, we were VERY picky with who we got in the car with... A lovely Asian man who talked about his kids a lot :). He was great, even let us stop for beer and chips!
We finally arrived at the beach to find the boys had left. Shit, hitch hiking home from that area was not as safe as the way there... But in the end we got hold of them and they picked us up and took us to one of the boys house. We chilled and drank more, as you do when you're hungover and it's a Sunday. A very fun evening spent with a bunch of very cute local boys! Needless to say I skipped classes today cause I was not feeling on top of the world!
So after this lovely weekend, I was feeling pretty stoked on life. Then today things got ten times better. I went to Papa lucks coffee shop on campus to visit Tove at work. I bumped into a guy that I always sit with when at this awesome spot, and he gave me some WICKED, RAD, AMAZING, SUPER DOOPER, SICK news. Last week he had mentioned he was lucky enough to have an all access media pass to the upcoming world famous surf competitions, and I mentioned that I had been constantly day dreaming about being able to take photos at them and and go to all the cool post event things. So, being a lovely guy with cool connections, HE GOT ME A PASS TOO!


What the hell.

These ones... Yes these ones that everyone dreams of just attending! http://www.triplecrownofsurfing.com/

But wait, it gets better.......

He also said that he needs some photos for his iPhone application and website etc and that he would buy some photos off me. Pressures on to get some good shots but I think having access to the whole place will help. And I get to meet all the pro's. And maybe go to the parties. Wow. And he said if any of my photos are really cool I might possibly get some in a magazine too!! But that'd be way too good to be true. So I will just focus on the amazingness of the above.

It is insane that what I just wrote is actually happening. And to me.
As you can probably imagine I can't wipe this stupid huge grin off my face.


I will leave you with this... A photo of the weather we had for two or three days just so you're not under the impression that life is actually perfect here. We do have a minuscule amount of not so awesome..

A bit of rain to scare us away from the beach

1 comment:

  1. The story ends with ...and Lucy never returned to New Zealand. Wow! Rad doesn't begin to describe. However, I'm not surprised as you are extraordinarily cool, with wicked photography skills.
